Source code for util.setup


This module contains utility function(s) that
are used for formatting and general aethetics.

:copyright: (c) 2023 by Joshua Rose.
:license: MIT, see LICENSE for more details.

import datetime
import re

import colorama

[docs]def get_date( date: datetime.datetime,"%-d") ) -> str: """Return a ❇️ colorized ❇️ version of timestamp :param date: timestamp as a `datetime.datetime` instance :param day: (optional) String of current day without x0 format :return: Formatted string of the current date :rtype: string """ match int(day): case 1: postfix = "st" case 2: postfix = "nd" case 3: postfix = "rd" case _: postfix = "th" day = colorama.Fore.MAGENTA + day + postfix + "," + colorama.Fore.RESET month = colorama.Fore.BLUE + date.strftime("%B") + colorama.Fore.RESET year = colorama.Fore.BLUE + date.strftime("%Y") + colorama.Fore.RESET _date = f"{month} {day} {year}" return _date
[docs]def escape_ansi(line) -> str: """Remove formatting from colored string credit: Édouard Lopez :param line: Colored string with escape characters :return: string with escape characters removed :rtype: string """ ansi_escape = re.compile(r"(?:\x1B[\x80-\x9F])[0-?]*[ -/]") return ansi_escape.sub("", line)